Tuesday, March 4, 2008

you're probably gonna get to vote for b.o. in the general elections, after all


let's agree to this: neither blogger shall feel bad about taking a while to repost. i think we're both about in the same boat right now (except you have this whole, like, "we're fixing up a house" thing on top of it...) as far as work and stuff and our blog project, while a priority, sometimes just isn't the most convenient thing to do. so i say, as long as we can each get in about a post a week, we're doing pretty well.

next, i should address your question about hilary, as i'm currently watching election coverage. (that is, until my digi-cable reminds me that family guy is on at 7...) it's a pretty touchy subject, when a woman crosses the line and abuses the perks of femininity. actually, not too long ago, i had this conversation with a friend. (i can't remember who, exactly, which leads me to believe it may be that i've had this convo with several folks recently...) now i'm not boasting about this, but i'm just stating it as a fact: i'm a fair-weather feminist. this means that i want my rights, i want equality (not asking much, i don't think...) but, there are times, i will admit, that i recognize and take advantage of the inequality. i'm a cute girl. i use it to the fullest when i'm at the fox. my brains don't matter there, and it's the one place where i don't go above and beyond to promote my intelligence. instead, i'm flirty and i'm peppy and maybe even a little bit ditzy. why? you learn quickly what gets you better tips when you're working in a bar. now, outside of there, i dare you to challenge my intelligence. i dare you to make me feel like i'm not of the same worth as a man. i don't really know how to explain it, i just think it's a fact of life and i think most people do it. you use what you've got, when you need it, to get ahead. even if it's not all the way p.c. and i guess, to me, that's what hilary did too. she needed to be seen having emotions. now, where to draw the line? geesh. just like anything in life, the lines are fuzzy and the color is grey. there's just no telling until you've already gone too far.

last political note for this blog: i'm glad i'm not a republican tonight. everyone after march 4 who hasn't voted in a primary is seriously insignificant. that's lame. america needs to work on this election process some more. it's one hundred per cent unfair. even for me. by the time indiana primaries roll around, my vote will be pointless.

you kept referencing "office space" in your last blog, and i regret to say i've never seen it! i think though, now that i might be able to relate, i should rent it and laugh because it's true.

lily got spayed and declawed yesterday. my cousin said she did just wonderfully and she'll be swell for the travels on saturday. i'm so excited to have a lovey kitty to come home to. "she is my first born...."

have you read any good books lately? i've been capitalizing on my lack of school-related/ required reading by spending an excessive amount of money at borders. recently i read a book called 13 little blue envelopes by maureen johnson. very cute. after that i read my beloved john green's, an abundance of katherine's, which i definitely recommend. and then just today i finished kurt vonnegut's slaughterhouse-five. have you read that book? if you haven't, i would love it if you did. i'd love to get someone else's opinion on it. i definitely enjoyed it and it's a book that i think is begging to be dissected. if you ever get around to it, let me know. in the meantime, i'm probably going to do a little online research. it's one of those books you make notes in while you're reading. (i think i owe mrs. cowan a big ol' THANK YOU! for that one. she was about the best english teacher ever, i still think.)

and in case you're interested, i'll give you the low down on the book i'm reading now and those i have in queue:
last chance to see by douglas adams of hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy fame. it's a true story about his travels around the world, attempting to catch glimpses of many nearly extinct species before they are gone forever.

looking for alaska by john green. i was very impressed with the first one i read and i want more.

the life of pi by yann martel. it's been recommended to me by many.

the jane austen book club by karen joy fowler. because i'm a girl and i love jane austen. and i want to read this book before i see the movie adaptation.

books. books. books. i love books. who needs groceries when you've got books? haha just kidding. kinda.

dorkily yours,

avie scott

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