Saturday, May 24, 2008

you know its been awhile when...

yea so, i forgot our password and login info. not so much the password, more just the login... took me three tries. that's how i know it's been too darn long.

i miss me a best friend, that's for sure. i'm really looking forward to my late summer trip to good ole e'ville. my apologies i won't be making it down for SATC. there is nothing i wanted more than i get a few drinks with my bestie and watch carrie, miranda, charlotte, and samantha talk sex sue johannson style.

so, while i'm on the sex and the city topic - here's something that i've been curious about lately. why is it that men hate sex and the city so much? i have yet to meet a guy who says he's watched it and actually enjoyed it. bryan avoids it like the plague when the watered down versions are on tv... and i have a few other guy friends as well who shiver when i even mention the title. are guys really that insecure that they feel 4 women getting together and discussing their sex lives is something they should be strictly against? i just don't get it. you get to see a lot of naked girls in that show if i remember correctly. that's always something i thought guys were all gung ho for? guess i was wrong.

but anyway, just know that when i do make it to the theater to see it - i'll be thinking about you the entire time. that's just how much i love ya.